Mental Imagery Essay

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Mental Imagery The concept mental imagery can be defined in a few different ways. One way is that mental imagery refers to a perceptual experience that begins with imagination. Another is that mental imagery refers to the processes necessary to create the images. And finally mental imagery refers to any representation that copies the specific action (Beaulieu, 2010). There are different schools of thought on the practice of visualization or mental imagery when it comes to the impact it has on the success of sports performance. Cognitive and structuralist approaches accept that mental imagery or visualization can serve as a substitute for actually performing the activity. However the behaviorist’s disagree with this approach. This paper will discuss the practice of visualization and mental imagery and the impact it has on the success of sports performance. It will show whether this practice is considered “pop psychology” or if there is research that supports its validity. Theories of Imagery Many different theories exist to explain how mental imagery works, however there is not a single theory that seems to explain the effects of mental imagery entirely. One of the earliest theories was called psychoneuromuscular theory. This theory claimed that imagery practice duplicated the exact motor pattern that was being practiced. In this theory the motor patterns that were being practiced during imagery are the same as those that are used for the physical activity (Feltz & Landers, 1983). The symbolic theory used mental practice from using symbolic elements instead of using imagery to work the muscles. What athletes learn from using symbolic theory is cognitive learning. Another theory is arousal theory and it states that the practice of mental imagery will cause arousal that will lead athletes to reach their peak performance (Feltz & Landers, 1983). Research Mental

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