Memory Of y Melancholy Whore

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Memories Of My Melancholy Whores is one of Gabriel Gracia Marquez’s ( The Author Of One Hundred Years Of Solitude ) great piece of work. This novel was originally published in 2004 with a Spanish title and published again in oktober 2005 with and English translation by Edith Grossmen. However, Memories Of My Melancholy Whores was not the best of Gracia Marquez novels, and in comparion to the Love In The Time of Cholera, this novel is lighter and more casual. But it has its own unique wisdom throughout style. This novel is about a man who has reached the age of ninety and wished to have a wild love with a fourteen years of virgin as gift for his birthday. The virgin mentioned above made the anonymous narrator to feel the bliss of love that he never felt throughout his life. In this writing below, we would be discussing the themes and a few literary devices related that has been brought forwarded by Gabriel Gracia Marquez’s Memories Of My Melancholy Whores. Among the themes that I would love to highlight is mortality, sexual imagery, obsession, love, social isolation and self determination and free choice. Memories Of My Melancholy Whores has reflected the theme of mortality at its first sentence itself. The narrator is still able celebrate his birthday at the age of ninety. He is proud that he has reached an age by which most people have died or will soon die. By reaching this age, the narrator feels that he has lived a long life, but also becomes obsessed with his eventual death. The narrator has never thought much about growing old. In his forties, the narrator began having physical pains that the doctor put down to his age. In his fifties, the narrator became forgetful. “In my fifth decade I had begun to imagine what old age like when I noticed the first lapses of memory. I would turn the house upside down looking for my glasses until I discovered that I had them

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