Media Has Lost Its Credibility

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We know the Media refers to various means of communication such as television radio news paper and internet or online journalism. The media or journalistic ethics are based on truthfulness, honesty, impartiality, objectivity, fairness and accountability. But over the time Media has become a commercial and money making industry. Today they are least bothered about ethics. The media today is not as it used to be. Today it is being controlled by monopoly houses, political parties and even the government itself. They project things through the media s they want for their own selfish and commercial purpose and highlighting things detrimental to society. Different societies around the world get different versions of the true happenings. The media propagates their policies like prior to Iraq war , CNN and FOX news etc. bombarded their audiences with news every 15 minutes that Saddam has weapons of mass destructions without doing any research and misleading the Americans and the world to believe it and that lead to the Iraq war. But after millions of people were killed, fact came out that Iraq had no of the WMD. Thus it is right to say that media has lost its credibility. Media has failed to question whether it is right to exert pressure on Iran to develop nuclear technology even for peaceful purpose when other nations like America, France Britain Russia China India and Pakistan have Nuclear bombs. Hence we can rightly say that media has lost its credibility. These examples are just tip of the ice berg. There are so many more but to cut it short I would give you some negative impact of media which will show how the media has lost its credibility. • At times, the information reported may not be authentic from every angle. Hence, there may be a misinterpretation of a situation. • News can be manipulated to influence the minds of the audiences. For example - a
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