Media And Body Image

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It is obvious that media has taken over our lives in more than one way. Due to modern technology, we are all closer than ever. The media industry has taken advantage of this fact because the stakes are huge. This can mean a variety of things but one thing is for certain, media has power in society. In a society that knows that "sex sells", most fail to realize that there is a very strong connection between body-image and advertisement. Media has a huge influence on society today, especially on teens. Everyone has seen or heard of some type of advertisement promoting some type of beauty product, jewelry, or a new brand of clothing to say the least. Almost all of it is based on beauty “when media television, movies, magazines and advertising widely promotes this ideal, it becomes difficult to ignore.” The influence of the media on the proliferation of eating disorders cannot be refuted. From an early age we have been shown with images and messages that reinforce the idea that to be happy and successful we must be thin. Even if someone reads magazines, newspaper, watch television it will say that being fat is very bad. The most frightening part is that this destructive message is reaching kids. Many of them feel bad that they don’t look like that actor or actresses. There is always a low self-image body against women by media. The media is too much interested in about how the women would look in thin body. There are so many advertisements where the women’s body is very thin. Women begin to believe that they can never add up to the shown models in advertisements. This can lead to many eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, over eating and bulimia. These are very serious eating disorders which are usually caused by body image problems. They feel that they need to be thin to be accepted in the society. The media puts so much pressure on the society to be thin that
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