Measures of Central Tendency

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Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Central Tendency The term measure of central tendency refers “to finding the mean, median, and mode” (Schultzkie, 1998-2012). Measures of central tendency include calculating the mean, median, and the mode using simple arithmetic. The “mean refers to the arithmetic average of a data set” (Gertstman, 2008, p. 63); the median is the middle value of a data set; and the mode is the value that appears the most in a data set. Measures of central tendency pertain to statistical populations or to the samples from a population. The mean is the most popular measurement area; however, it can be affected by outliers. An outlier is an observation within a sample that lies outside the overall pattern of a distribution. The median is not affected by outliers and the mode can be difficult to interpret if there is more than one mode. Resources Mean, median, and mode is an area of math everyone is introduced to in elementary school. However, during elementary school no one thinks of the importance of the measures of central tendency in future areas. I used Google to research measures of central tendency. It was determined; statistics uses measures of central tendency to determine useful information during the research process of many areas. Research In a study of infectious diseases, the measures of central tendency were calculated to determine the prevalence of HHV-8, CMV, and EBV among the general population of Ghana, West Africa. Research consisted of obtaining “serum samples from 3275 HIV-seronegative healthy blood donors and 250 HIV-AIDS patients. Each sample was tested for antibodies specific for HHV-8, CMV, and EBV” (Adjei, 2008, p. 1). The blood donors in Ghana are volunteers or family members and friends of patients requiring blood transfusions. The donors are

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