Mcgurk-Effect Essay

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The McGurk-effect An experimental study of the McGurk-effect and whether it occurs among American people with different levels of controlling the Japanese language. 1 Introduction According to Munhall, Gribble, Sacco and Ward (1996) the face provides information about the place of articulation as well as the class of phoneme that is produced when it moves during speech production. Several researches have focused on this topic and this way the McGurk-effect was discovered (Green & Kuhl, 1989, 1991; Green, Kuhl, & Meltzoff, 1988; Green, Kuhl, Meltzoff, & Stevens, 1991; MacDonald & McGurk, 1978). The McGurk-effect is an audiovisual illusion that illustrates the influence of visual input on the auditory input. When confronted with lip-movement that does not correspond to the uttered sounds, the perception of the sound is influenced. This results in a fusion of visual and auditory syllables (McGurk & MacDonald, 1978). McGurk and MacDonald found this after an experiment in which subjects were instructed to watch a speaker and repeat what she said. Their responses revealed an interactive relationship between seeing and hearing. McGurk and MacDonald concluded that English speaking subjects usually perceive /da/ when the acoustic syllable /ba/ combined with the visual articulation of /ga/. Other combinations of syllables within the same cluster (/da/, /ta/, /ka/ and /na/) will cause the similar but other perceptions. Examples of this except are view in Table 1. Table 1 Examples McGurk-effect Audio word | Visual word | Expected McGurk-Effect word | Been | Beep | Beam | Cap | Can | Cat | Cop | Con | Cot | Pram | Cram | Cram | Bait | Gate | Date | Bay | Gay | Day | Vet | Get | Debt | After discovering the McGurk-Effect, a number of basic facts about the McGurk effect were reported. For example, it has been found
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