Mc Donald's Case - Alternative a

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Implementing Alternative A In order to affect peoples’ vision of McDonald’s waste management the customers will be taken along to the recycling. This means that after finished the meal, instead of throwing all waste into one bin the customers will sort their waste themselves. Leftover beverages will be poured into one container and leftover food as well to their own. Packages will be put to their own and cutlery to their own. This change means that in all restaurants the returning spots will be renewed. A task force will be founded an in the planning they should pay attention on following issues: 1. The logistical implementation must be considered carefully. It will demand from the customers a bit longer time to sort their waste, so this change must not cause any lines or any blocks in the restaurant. 2. This will also be a requirement from the customers to give a bit from their time and to do a little job. As many of the McDonald’s customers go there for the easiness and quickness, the sorting should take minimum of their time. 3. The sorting must not cause any confusion. There must be understandable instructions of what belongs into where in clear size and style. The interior design change already put into practice will stay. As stated earlier, it wouldn’t at least have negative impact to the McDonald’s socially responsible image. The design change will be expanded to the packages. In the future, the packages will have also: 1. Symbols of their environmental friendliness. 2. Markings of organic ingredients. 3. Tell the stories behind the products. Of the previous the third one will be the most demanding. In the future, pictures of the suppliers, their farms and animals will be printed to packages and to the papers on the trays. This will be a big change and it will require foundation of an own unit to plan these
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