Mbuti of Africa

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Mbuti of Africa Thesis statement Living in a remote section of the African rainforest where extreme climate and resource availability is common, the Mbuti are actually a collection of several hunter-gatherer groups who live in bands of ten to fifty people who are very mobile, both for purposes of tracking food supplies, and in recent centuries, to avoid interference from outsiders. Their environmental surroundings have impacted their modes of subsistence and in turn this has affected their culture and way of life in a very profound manner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Culture generally defines a system of principles, ideals, ideas, views and values as well as physical and non-physical acquisitions such as language, which define the distinct mode of life that a specific group of people that share common interests uphold. These cultural systems define and shape required conduct, views, thoughts, interaction among people and other cultures as well as the environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Central African Mbuti or Bambuti people consist of a collection of indigenous groups of pygmies who live within and on the edges of the vast span of the Congo basin rainforest in the Central African republic of Congo. Their language is part of subgroups that form the central Sudanic group of languages. Therefore, the Mbuti language falls in the category of the Nilo-Saharan phylum. Their lingual affiliation to the Sudanic group implies that they may have originated from the region of Sudan. These groups of people mainly inhabit Ituri forest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The forest is part of the larger tropical rainforest within the Congo basin (Gibbs, 1965). This region gets high

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