Mba Model of Decision Making - Management Perspectives

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REPORT ON MANAGEMENT PROSPECTIVES Submitted To Submitted By Ms. S. Srilalitha Nitin Chakraverty 1226113138 “MBA” Model of Decision Making INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC In this chapter author wants to say about the how people takes decision, what are the process involved in the decision making, what are the hurdles people face in decision and how to implement the decisions to get the good and positive results. Author also talked about the spiritual power and the inner emotions which comes out at the time of decision making. BRIEF EXPLANATON OF CHAPTER * Decision making has been a major concern for researchers as well as for practitioners, and decision making is very important in organization. * Then a new model came into picture which is presented by the Sankhya philosophy and Patanjali, in his book Yoga Sutra. This new model is ‘MBA’ model. * This ‘MBA’ model is the cognitive dominance that is used by the higher authorities on their sub ordinates or the managers who come up with their innovative ideas. Patanjali’s Cognitive Inference System * According to Patanjali, “cognitive inference system” is divided into three sub-systems :- 1) Desire sub system 2) Thought sub-system 3) Action sub-system Desire sub system It refers to the values, aims, mission and ideals of an individual manager towards organization. Thought sub system After desire an individual use his/her intelligence or analytical methods to arrive at the decision. Action sub system After this all action initiated by the manager to achieve the desires. * Now MBA model of decision making where it says to make any kind of decision an individual need to interplay
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