Materials Handling In Sugar Industry

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Materials Handling in Sugar Industry In general, materials handling is very important aspect of every industry with the sugar industry being no exception. It’s important to efficiently move materials all the way from when the seeds are planted in the ground to when the final product is packaged and shipped to its final user. The whole process can be divided into two basic stages: the growing/cultivation of the sugar cane and the actual production of sugar and both rely heavily on the efficiency of the materials handling. The success of the sugar mill lies in how much sucrose each sugar cane contains. To obtain good ratios sugar mills fertilize the land with Urea, a fertilizer containing nitrogen among other ingredients, which they spread regularly through the land they are trying to cultivate. The Urea comes in bags that are later poured into industrial tractors and distributed evenly through out the land. If the mill is located in an area that doesn’t receive enough water the land also has to be irrigated, this is done by modified tractors that carry a tank of water and a sprinkler system that the driver deploys when on top of the seeds. Finally when the sugar cane is mature, 13 months is the ideal age, it is cut either by humans with a machete or an automated cutting device. It is crucial that no more than 48 hours elapse from the time the cane is cut until it enters the factory because after that it spoils. Once on the floor the cane is picked up by forklifts and thrown into a type of wagon that ultimately gets pulled by an industrial tractor to the factory entrance. Since the process of cutting the cane is only done during the day and the factory runs 24 hours, three 8 hours shifts, there has to be some sugar cane left daily in the cane patio. When the sugar cane is needed an operator flips the wagon realizing all the material into a conveyer

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