Marx's Concept of Alienation

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Marx’s concept of alienation is the separation and misalignment power from one thing to another, and is informed by both his understanding of human labor and religion. In capitalism man is alienated from his labor because he is forced to trade it like a commodity in the marketplace. As a result, the more of himself he puts into labor, the less he keeps for himself. He also believes region, like capitalism, is a source of alienation. Like capitalism, he believes region is a man-made creation, which eventually became regarded as a natural phenomenon. And similar to labor, as man prescribes more and more powers to God, the less he keeps for himself causing God to become much more powerful, yet entirely man made. The alienation of human labor is the result of a capitalistic economy, and takes four forms: alienation from the act of labor, alienation from the product of labor, alienation from man’s species being, and alienation from fellow laborers. In a world without private property man would own his labor, he would identify with his labor, find satisfaction in his labor and in turn his labor would become an objectification of his individuality. However, in a capitalistic society, man is forced to sell his labor to those who own the means of production. Therefore during the hours of work the laborer is not spending his time doing something enjoyable and freely chosen; he is doing something which is forced upon him by external forces. This causes an externalization of the worker from his actions because he does not freely give anything of himself to his labor, not his physical energy nor his imagination. In fact, while the worker is laboring, his actions belong entirely to another causing complete alienation from his actions. This alienation changes the balance of power between work and worker because the more time the worker spends working, the more he
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