Martial Arts Essay

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Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They may be studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation/meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence, or any combination of the above. This is a list of the top 10 international Martial Arts. In no particular order: 1. Karate [Wikipedia] Meaning “Empty hand” in Japanese, Karate is one of the more popular martial arts. Originated centuries ago from the island of Okinawa, it did not catch on in mainland Japan until the early 1900s, when Master Gichin Funakoshi simplified the self-defense techniques and added a philosophical aspect to the art. There are many different styles within Karate, but they are all characterized with the same hard blocks, punches, and kicks. Today, it is practised and studied in countries all over the world. 2. Tae Kwon Do [Wikipedia] Although in the Korean language it can be loosely translated as “The way of hand and foot”, Tae Kwon Do is distinguished more by its powerful kicks than hand strikes. Practitioners believe that since the legs are longer and generally stronger than the arms, it is the best weapon a martial artist has. Tae kwon do as a sport and exercise is popular with people of both sexes and of many ages. Thanks to the millions of students worldwide, it is now an Olympic sport. 3. Judo [Wikipedia] Judo, meaning “gentle way”, is a modern martial art that originated from late nineteenth century Japan. The art was founded by Jigoro Kano, who as a youth was often picked on and bullied. After an unsatisfactory experience with Jujutsu, he developed a system with sweeps and throws which made size and strength irrelevant. Just like Tae kwon do, today it is an Olympic sport, where the main goal in a Judo competition is to throw one’s opponent to the

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