Marriage Family Therapist Case Conceputalization

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Reason for Referral: Paul Quest a 45 year old doctor who was referred to for counseling by his wife. Mr. Quest has two kids and feels reports his relationship with his wife has very little conflict (Bitter, et al. 2010). Client reports having a mild substance abuse problem. Client reports he uses marijuana recreationally and occasionally laces the marijuana with cocaine for an extra high. Background and Developmental Information: Mr. Quest reports his racial identity WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant). There are no reports of him having issues with his health. Currently he lives with his wife. Paul reports “it was all over” when he saw his wife after meeting her in the library in 1983 (Bitter, et al. 2010). Paul and his wife have been together for twenty five years. Paul was 20 years old and his wife, Jane was18 years old. Paul and Jane wife dated for 2 years before getting married. From this union came 2 biological daughters, Amy 18 and Ann 16. Paul reports having two children who they later adopted; Jason and Luke, 6 and 4 (Bitter, et al. 2010). Reportedly the Quest family and his children have a pretty good relationship. Paul reports growing up in a home with both parents; Paul explained his father was a dedicated and hard working surgeon and his mother was a surgical nurse. Like Paul and Jane, his father and mother dated for 2 years before marriage (Bitter, et al. 2010). Jane reports growing in a home with both parents; however being raised by her grandmother (Bitter, et al. 2010). Jane reports her mother doting on little brother leaving her to feel as if was on her own (Bitter, et al. 2010). Jane was the “star” of the family. Paul and Jane report having very little conflict in their family (Bitter, et al. 2010). Also, they report their girls seem to get along well ((Bitter, et al. 2010). After taking care of the girls,

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