Marketing Myopia Essay

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Marketing Myopia When truly breaking down what marketing myopia means and how it defines so many businesses today, you can get a general idea of why so many businesses never make the leap or succeed. According to definition, Marketing Myopia is nearsightedness and lack of imagination. To explain further, I would say it is when a company gets lost or trapped focusing on their needs rather than the customers’ needs? Although it is important to focus on a key concept of your business and where you want to take it, it doesn’t have to mean ignoring the true facts and use that as a key driver. This falls hand-in-hand with a story I read recently about Admiral Jim Stockdale. Stockdale was a military hero; an admiral in the Vietnam War, and became a POW for eight years, during which he was badly tortured, leaving him suffering with incessant heartaches. In a conversation with Jim Collins, writer of the book “Good to Great”, Collins asked Stockdale how he kept from giving up hope and dying. Stockdale smiled and replied “Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties AND at the same time confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” From there on out companies have called this situation The Stockdale Paradox and it is used universally as a mantra to live by. This paradox leads back to what I described in my first paragraph. Going back to the definition on marketing myopia, describing all these great companies that at first succeed and had an idea of where they were going, but at the same time they didn’t confront the most brutal fact: that times were changing. Examples of this are where railroads did not change their plans to adapt to new technology such as planes and trucks Also gas and oil people are getting a big surprise as well with the changing technology. In the future we will eventually be able to

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