Market Structure and How the Market Structure Impacts Business Decicion Making on Pricing and Supply of Their Goods and Services

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MARKET STRUCTURE AND HOW THE MARKET STRUCTURE IMPACTS BUSINESS DECICION MAKING ON PRICING AND SUPPLY OF THEIR GOODS AND SERVICES Market structure, as defined by Porter and Hartley, refers to “the degree of collusion or competition between buyers and/or sellers”. According to the Business Dictionary, it could be described as interconnectivity of the market place in terms of parameters like the number of market purchasers and sellers, how strong these buyers and sellers are relative to each other, the degree and manner of market competition, how much products and services are differentiated as well as how easy or difficult it is to enter or leave the market place. The structure of the market will be referred to and be utilised to explain how the market structure has an impact on business decision making regarding pricing and supply of business organisation products and services. The Business Dictionary refers to four main types of market structure – perfect competition, oligopoly, monopoly and monopsony. However, duopoly, oligopsony and natural monopoly have also been described by economists. These can be defined as follows: Perfect Competition, Price Determination and the Effect on the Supply of Goods and Services Perfect competition exists where there are numerous buyers and sellers and market conditions are such that nobody can solely influence the price of products or services in the market place, ceteris paribus. The market price is dictated by the overall quantity of goods or services available in the said market (the supply) and the overall quantity of these goods or services demanded (that is, the demand). Thus all enterprise organisations of whatever description operating within this market structure are subject to the laws of supply and demand, which determine price levels. Thus, the influence of business organisations on price levels in this

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