Market Segmentation and Product Positioning

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Market Segmentation and Product Positioning: Hot Potato, Inc. Introduction The mission of Hot Potato, Inc. is to provide healthy food options that compete within the fast food industry. The organization will serve baked or steamed potatoes with a variety of healthy topping choices, including but not limited to, broccoli, celery, chive, tomato, corn, beans, peppers, a variety of low fat grated cheeses and lean meat pieces (chicken and beef tips). While the organization competes in the fast food, products are differentiated as healthier options not only with the toppings, but with the processing of the items. All potatoes vegetables toppings are steamed or baked. Lean meat toppings are broiled, rather that sautéed. In order to compete within the fast food industry, Hot Potato must identify the market segments in which the products will be targeted, as well as develop a marketing strategy to reach those segments. Marketing objectives will be determined by considering how the organization should position itself within the industry and how to best reach the target audiences. The mission of the organization, to provide a better, healthier fast food alternative, should also be incorporated into marketing objectives, to convey the organization's product offerings to consumers. Identifying the Market Segment The market segment might possibly include all fast food consumers. There are many people facing health issues that must maintain strict dietary guidelines. Those with Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Coronary Artery Disease typically are not encouraged to consume fast foods or are limited to salads on most fast food menus. Hot Potato offers food products that are more substantial and can be selected as a meal, rather than a side dish. Therefore, the market segment will include all consumers who want a healthier fast food option to reduce
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