Many People Agree That We Must Conserve Our Scarce Resources And Yet, We Use Up More And More. Describe Three Ways In Which Lifestyles Today Encourage People To Use More Resources. What Can Be Done To Encourage Us To Be More Responsible?

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Today it is highly important for us as individuals to contribute to the conservation of our scarce resources, yet we continue to ignore the great effects that will eventually occur and use up more and more of these resources. This is because today’ lifestyles are becoming based around materialistic things, busy lives where it is almost impossible to fit in time where we stop and think. Other people’s lifestyles may be considered as selfish, whereby people’s ignorance allows them to want to enjoy lavish holidays without the worries of the high pollution levels that airplanes have on the world in which we live. People are letting their lifestyles become materialistic and so they are driven to buy the most expensive cars instead of limiting their travel to public transport, for example; buses and trams. These are both cost effective and more efficient in the challenge of decreasing today’s carbon emissions. All cars today contribute to the climate change because their engines burn fuel and therefore produce carbon dioxide every time the car is used. Bigger cars like range rovers add more to the engines workload and so contribute more to the carbon emissions yet if people who owned these cars were aware of the damaging effects these kind of cars have on the environment then maybe they would be more encouraged to try and cut them down by trading their car in for a car with a more fuel efficient engine which could in turn reduce carbon emissions by 24%. Busy lifestyles are another barrier when considering reasons why people are not encouraged to make the simple changes which could have a positive effect on the globe. A sustainable environment is key to reducing carbon emissions which in turn retains our ability to meet the needs of future generations. However, people lead busy lives and so don’t think about the little things that they do every day. Whether it be

More about Many People Agree That We Must Conserve Our Scarce Resources And Yet, We Use Up More And More. Describe Three Ways In Which Lifestyles Today Encourage People To Use More Resources. What Can Be Done To Encourage Us To Be More Responsible?

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