Mangoes - Speech

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Mangos Today, I’m going to talk to you about this amazing fruit – the mango. It might not look amazing, but in many areas of the world, it is called the King of Fruits. This is because it is one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. Around the world, more mangoes are eaten fresh than any other fruit. Mangoes contain as much vitamin C as an orange. They also contain high levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium. These nutrients help to prevent heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Mangoes also contain chemicals called phenols that have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities. Because mangoes are also high in iron, they are good for pregnant women and people suffering from anemia. Mangoes are so nutritious that they can help improve skin conditions. They relieve dry skin, brittle nails, pimples and clogged pores. Research has also shown that they can help people lose weight. We cannot grow mangoes in Canada because the weather is not hot enough. Mangoes are a tropical fruit distantly related to pistachios and cashew nuts. They originated in India, where they have been grown by humans as a crop for over 4,000 years. Mangoes are thought to be one of the first fruits cultivated by humans and are believed to have been taken by Buddhist monks on voyages around South East Asia over two thousand years ago. The mango is now the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Phillipines. In Australia, mangoes are considered to be a symbol of summer. The first mangoes of the season are sold at an auction for charity. Australia also has mango wars, where young people throw ripe mangoes at each other. Mango trees can grow as high as 100 feet and can have leaves a foot long. The fruit of the mango tree has an edible fleshy part and a large, woody, flattened pit or stone. The peel contains urushiol. This is the same chemical in poison ivy that can cause dermatitis in

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