Mandatory Dna Testing at Birth?

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MANDATORY DNA TESTING AT BIRTH? A topic of controversy is making DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) testing mandatory at birth. DNA is a nucleic acid that has been compared to a set of blueprints. It is a storage of information that provides instructions needed to build cells. DNA also contains genetic information called genes and is organized into x-shaped structures called chromosomes. Forensic Scientists can establish the identity of an individual by testing the blood, hair, saliva, skin, and semen and matching it to a DNA sample. I feel that mandatory DNA testing at birth should be passed as a new law. There are many reasons to make DNA testing mandatory at birth. The issue of paternity fraud is the most talked about. Many people agree that DNA testing at birth would eliminate false paternity claims. For generations there have been women who have collected child support from men who were not their children's biological father. The lives of children could be at risk from inaccurate family medical history. In addition to paternity fraud, mandating DNA testing could provide support to the child in cases when the biological father denies his children just so he can get out of the responsibility of paying child support. Fathers have the right to know when their child is legally theirs. Other reasons to mandate DNA testing is to easily identify someone who has committed a crime, been a victim of a crime or has died from a crime. A national DNA database called Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) was started by the FBI, which links all state databases. This database holds samples from people who have been convicted of certain types of crimes and also from missing and unidentified persons. This database has helped investigators solve old cases where DNA samples were obtained. If samples were taken at birth, there would never be any "unidentified"
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