Managing Paediatric Illness and Injury

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MANAGING PAEDIATRIC ILLNESS AND INJURY 1.1 Describe the common types of fractures: * Closed fractures: (Also called simple fracture). The bone is broken, but the skin is intact. * The open fractures: (Also called compound fracture). The bone exits and is visible through the skin, or a deep wound that exposes the bone through the skin. * Spiral: The break spirals around the bone; common in a twisting injury. * Greenstick fracture: This is when the bone is not full broken but shows small cracks. This fracture is most common in the children because the children’s bones are more flexible that adults * Oblique: Diagonal break across the bone. . * Dislocation: This is when the bones are separation from the joint. It is more common in children. 1.2 & 1.3 Describe how to manage a fracture and a dislocation: * Recognize that the child has an injury and call for an ambulance or get the child to the hospital. * Look if the injure is deformity or is in unnatural position. * Look if the child has a wound or break in the skin. * Look if is swelling around the injured area. * Look if the child loss of power or ability to move. * Ask the child if he can move it? * Maintain the injured in the most confortable position white waiting for ambulance 1.4 Demonstrate the application of a support sling and an elevation sling: Demonstration made in the course to the assessor SUPPORT SLING ELEVATED SLING 2.1 Describe how to recognize and manage head injuries including: Concussion: it is when is dizziness and nausea, with or without a spell of unconsciousness. Skull fracture: it is a break in the skull. Cerebral compression: it is pressure on the intracranial area due to bleeding or tissue swelling. The most common way a head injury presents is that a

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