Managerial And Financial Accounting

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Managerial and Financial Accounting The initial thought of accounting may lead one to imagine people sitting behind a desk counting money and trying to save in every area possible. The typical thought is not what goes into accounting, but what individuals can get out of it. However, accounting covers many business concepts and is needed for both internal and external purposes. Managerial and financial accounting have various functions and are used for these purposes. Managerial accounting is intended for internal purposes and is used by management to make strategic business decisions. Regulations for managerial accounting are nonexistent because the reports are intended for internal purposes. Instead, statements are generated on a need bases. On the other hand, financial accounting is intended for shared accounting information either publically, if the company is traded publically, or for tax and regulatory purposes so that investors can view the financial position of the company. Financial accounting must adhere to strict reporting regulations and laws. Managerial Accounting Managerial accounting is a type of bookkeeping that organizations use. Managerial accounting is intended for people who direct and control operations, such as managers. According to Geense (2005) managerial accounting is • “Information on the costs of an organization’s products and services. • Budgets. A budget is a quantitave expression of a plan. • Performance reports: These reports often consist of comparisons of budgets with actual results. The deviations of actual results from budget are called variances. • Other information which assist managers in their planning and control activities. Examples are information on revenues of an organization’s products and services, sales back logs, unit quantities and demands on capacity resources” ( 3). In just the past 20 years,

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