Making Smoking Illegal

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Making Smoking Illegal Smoking poses a grave public health hazard. One reason that it is a health hazard is that Smoking causes a wide range of health risks such as blindness, stroke, heart attacks, osteoporosis, and a lot more forms of cancer and lung diseases. Making smoking illegal would also put a stop to teenagers who started the bad habit of smoking which they think its is cool and glamorous would let them realize that what they are doing is not and it is dangerous for their health. Another reason to ban smoking is that it poses health issues for individuals who doesn’t smoke but have to inhale the of a person who is smoking around them. When someone is smoking the that is being let out and is being inhaled by another person is much more dangerous and harmful than the actual person who smokes and this put non-smokers health at risk. This is what smoking do. Some people say smoking is just relaxation for their minds, not causes of anything but releasing and help to stop worry about problems by getting “high” but I disagree. Many people who smoke have health problem later on in life, which often ends up in death. Smoking kills more people each year than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, murders and suicides combined. If it is made illegal the second leading cause of deaths in the world would be taken care of. Another reason to ban smoking is that government health care costs are very high. Smokers who smoke everyday hinder their health everyday they smoke and setup themselves for disability by eroding their health which make them cant work then their unable to take care of themselves which they fall into the hands of the government and have to start living off wealth fare which put more strain on the economy because taxpayer have to start paying more for these people which is very much unfair to them after working so hard. Smokers have more disease than
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