Main Influences on Voting in the Uk

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Main influences on voting in the UK By Marlon Fraser Social class, historically, has been the defining factor in influencing the pattern of the public vote. Nowadays however other influences ,such as the media, have had a remarkable influence. Has the media taken the forefront over social class as the prime influence over the public vote? Social class was the main factor in deciding which party one voted for and still is for most parts of the older generation. A social class essentially is a group of people who share similar social characteristics with each other. For example the middle class would share interests in the economy. Social class in turn would also describe the economic situation of the people in the majority of cases. Since the growth of the trade union movement after the second world war, social class defined who one voted for. Due to the distinct social values and beliefs represented by each party, the working class population primarily would vote for the Labour party and the middle class would vote for the Conservative party. This was strengthened by the fact that people want to belong to a group which has power and influence, similarly as what they would have when supporting their local football team. PJ Pulzer a political scientist stated in 1967 that; 'class is the basis of British party politics;all else is embellishment and detail' ,PJ Pulzer, in his statement, made it clear that social class was well above the media in terms of influencing the public until the early 80s. Has this power slipped or does class still remain strong. Nowadays, the media has an overall influence in who people vote for. Newspapers such as the Sun that is read by millions across the UK, have major power in affecting opinion amongst the public. For example, on election day of 1992
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