Madrasa in Islam

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Difference between old Madrasa and today Madrasa In this lecture the writer has described us about madrasa that in actual what is madrasa . in other words we can say that the writer has shown us the real image of madrasa that is very different from the present madrasas in our society because in our society madrasa is known for an institution where only Quran, Hadith and Sharia is taught and learned. The writer has mentioned about some renowned ancient madrasas and describes about the curriculam that includes both manqulat(transmitted sciences) and maqulat(rational sciences). in the Ottoman Empire during the Early Modern Period, madrasas had lower schools and specialized schools where the students became known as danishmends. Depending on the educational demands, some madrasas also offer additional advanced courses in Arabic literature, English and other foreign languages, as well as science and world history. Ottoman madrasas along with religious teachings also taught "styles of writing, grammary, syntax, poetry, composition, natural sciences, political sciences, and etiquette and that’s the reason why Muslims in the past were leading both in their religion and social matters and were in a state to compete with other nations. But today madrasas are teaching religious education and the students in these madrasas are totally unaware about any other knowledge and this is the reason why our country and nation is lagging because in our madrasas we are limited to religious knowledge. Other than that during this lecture sir told us that “LUMS is a madrasas” first of all I was confused because I was matching this with the madrasas of today but after listening the describtion of madrasa I was clear in my sense about madrasa. This topic is very important because this topic talks on the important issue of our today madrasas and tells us that nowadays madrasas are
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