Macbeth: the Importance of Decision Making

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In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth starts out as a hero. He is a very loyal and trustworthy person. As the play progresses Macbeth ruins himself because of the impact of vaulting ambition. Greed takes over and soon he is making ill-advised decisions. Macbeth changes into a tragic hero by his tragic flaws tainting his decision making. In the beginning Macbeth is an admirable, trustworthy, and courageous man. The captain remarks, “For brave Macbeth” (1.2.18). People obviously think very greatly of him. Both the captain and Ross think he is a skilled and wonderful fighter. At one point they call him the God of War. He is also very loyal and dependable to King Duncan for fighting for Scotland. He is the Thane of Glamis and is content with the position. He is a civilized man. When the three witches come into the picture, Macbeth's downfall begins. The witches give him his three prophecies, and he turns into a greedy man. Macbeth is very startled, according to Banquo, and surprised by the predictions made by the witches. Once the witches vanish, Macbeth and Banquo talk. Macbeth is very pleased about the predictions and gets excited. This shows that Macbeth's greed may be taking over. Banquo cautions him that trusting the witches could have a very wicked result. He says the witches will tell a small truth and then betray them when the damage will hurt the most. Macbeth is doubtful of Banquo's warning, so he thinks, “This supernatural soliciting, / Cannot be ill; cannot be good” (1.3.144-45). Macbeth thinks since two of the predictions has come true, then the third one must come true as well. He thinks that supernatural temptation cannot be bad, but it cannot be good either. He goes with the flow. He decides, “If chance will have me King, why, / chance may crown me, / Without my stir” (1.3.158-60). Macbeth does not want to mess with fate. He is still a
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