Low Track Students

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Segregation of Low-Track Students Tracking students is common in a wide range of schools systems where some students of certain academic achievement are pushed ahead ok kept behind from the mass of students. On the point of indicating the reasons about my choice I would state that in the school where I work there is available a programme for students whose achievement is below average. Each homeroom teacher, after the corresponding assessment, has the crucial responsibility to identify low proficiency learners and move them to a special room with a special teacher and f course with a programme that allow them to achieve their classmates’ level. Apart from that parents are informed in advance in a private interview. To my mind, the importance of placing some students in one specific classroom lies in the following reasons. Firstly, establishing a curriculum for students who own particular needs is of enormous value, owing to the fact they will receive required treatment to accomplish the remaining skills to handle the English material in their classrooms, having this done it will be much easier to manage the classroom effectively. Secondly, the role that teachers play is not the same when delivering a lesson in an average class, they need to prepare more need-directed lesson towards specific abilities to tackle student´s weaknesses. Moreover, teachers must have a sensible and caring attitude to the students. Owing to the fact, that being placed in a low track class might be dangerous for students self-steam, for that reason the teacher should provide input that prevents this fact. Despite of the benefits of this programme, it also has some drawbacks, students are forced to miss instruction time in their mainstream classes, and others could be rejected by their mates and so on. Procedures to grapple with that must be found in the curriculum Acquiring the
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