Lovely Bones Summer Reading

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The following quotations are important at various points in the story: (The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold / Little, Brown and Company, Boston, New York, and London, 2002) 1) “Nothing is ever certain.” (p.21) This mantra helped the family keep their sanity while they continued to hope Susie would come home. 2) “He wore his innocence like a comfortable old coat.” (p. 26) This describes Mr. Harvey, the serial killer, who has killed and gotten away with it so often that he almost believes his own innocence. 3) “I loved Ruth on those mornings . . . we were born to keep each other company. Odd girls who had found each other in the strangest way - in the shiver she had felt when I passed.” (p. 79) Here Susie acknowledges the bond which has formed between her and Ruth, because her soul happened to touch Ruth as she passed to Heaven. 4) “Had my brother really seen me somehow, or he was he merely a little boy telling beautiful lies?” (p. 95) Here we see Susie’s desperate need to have her family know she is watching over them. 5) “How to commit the perfect murder was an old game in heaven. I always chose the icicle: the weapon melts away.” (p. 125) This quote shows how Susie is basically a very compassionate girl. She would choose the icicle, because it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Ironically, it’s the icicle that Susie uses to frighten Mr. Harvey into falling into the ravine where he dies. 6) “When the dead are done with the living, the living can go on to other things,“ Franny said. “What about the dead?“ I asked. “Where do we go?” (p. 145) Here we see Franny’s advice to Susie, trying to help her find her Heaven. But Susie is unsure what to do or where she belongs. 7) Lindsey and Buckley had come to live their lives in direct proportion to what effect it would have on a fragile father. Susie, p. 244 Both Lindsey and Buckley feel the responsibility to
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