Love Yourself Essay

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Do you know who you are? Do you know your likes and dislikes? most people grew up hearing “You are not enough” from their parents, sisters, brothers, cousins or even friends
“Today I’m here to tell you, you are “more than enough”, even through all your trials, tests and life's setbacks you are still “more than enough”. My goal today is to get you to fall completely head over hills in love with you!!
Do you believe in your dreams? or do you allow other people to tear them down and tell what you can and can’t do?
Enough with self-criticism, self-hate, self-abuse, and self neglect.
Enough with the unrealistic measures of what happiness and success looks like
Enough with being treated by anyone with anything less than respect and unconditional love
Now, Imagine if you would for just a moment, a life where you were always told “you can do it”, reach for the stars, anythings possible, where you refused to be in an abusive or toxic relationship, where you always take care of yourself first daily, without guilt or worry that everything will fall apart, that you respect yourself so deeply that every relationship you have reflects the respect and unconditional love you have for yourself. Imagine being compassionate with yourself, as you are with people you love without question, where loving yourself is as natural as breathing, because the relationship you have with you is the most important relationship that you will have in your life. How much more love or happiness would you have felt ? How much more empowered would you have been to live your best life? This may have not been your normal, but it’s achievable.
Loving yourself is the most important thing you can do, but just like any other relationship you want to flourish you have to give it love, attention, and honesty. So why treat yourself any different?
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