Love Is Like a Garden vs. Love Is Like a Journey

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“Love Is Like A Garden” vs. “Love Is Like A Journey” Everybody wants to experience love at least once in their lifetime. “Love is like a garden” vs. “love is like a journey” are both relatable yet different at the same time. Those who have had love can share some emotion to this specific topic. Everyone knows that relationship has its ups and downs. Depending if the people involved compatibility determines happiness or not. Some people would say love is like a garden, others would say love is like a journey. The similarities and difference between the two are very easy to tell. For instance, a garden would define love as simple as this. The flower which is the lover is specifically chosen. You would pick a seed that you know would be perfect year after year. We take our time dating and getting to know that person as you would in searching for that perfect flower. Once that flower is found, the potting soil; which is the relationship is ready to be started and the seeds are ready to be planted. During the course of the blooming flowers, it needs constant attention, love, and affection. Sun and water is fed daily as would a couple consistently work on common goals for the future and open communication. But, if not careful then the garden could get weeds which would be the problems for the relationship. Those problems need to be uprooted before it eventually kills the flowers, over takes the garden and the relationship has failed. Now if you were to begin a journey like you would want to start a relationship then a few key items would be needed. Of course you would be a traveler looking for love. The traveler finds a companion to start the journey with. Then they would get in their vehicle which is also known as the relationship. When you start your vehicle you start your relationship. The vehicle would get on the road which would be the open dialogue and head
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