Love And Relationships

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Power of Love and Relationships Nakiya Reese Social Psychology 301 Instructor: Kathleen Henry February 20, 2012 One of the most important acts of people’s social lives includes attraction, physical contact, sharing relationships and the bonds that are shared with others. Our social groups contain family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and classmates. The social networks in which we live in allow the odds of familiarity to increase. According to Feenstra, as long as there is a mutual awareness and minimal interaction attraction normally occurs between people. This paper on The Power of Love and Relations will access, examine and educate the many factors that surround love and relationships. This paper will also probe deeper into the factors leading to attraction in an attempt to reveal the secrets behind the human emotion. There have been studies steered to analyze reasons that contribute to what attracts people to one another. Over the years, social psychologist has identified these factors; similarity, physical attractiveness, exposure, suitability, perceived fallibility and reciprocity that contribute to attraction among others. Similarity suggests that people are normally attracted to those who share features, attitudes and values as themselves. People seem to be more attracted towards those with similar characteristics traits such as appearance, race, economic backgrounds and level of education. People who share the same religious and cultural values also are more likely to be friends then those who have different values and beliefs. There have been studies that show that people respond better to people that they find attractive. Many studies have been made to determine if a group of people was left in a room together that psychical attractive would be the first reason why people gravitate towards each other. People are going to always form
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