Lorenzo's Oil

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Lorenzo’s Oil The values of the main characters Mr. and Mrs. Odone were determined, loving, caring, and hardworking. The parents really didn’t think about all of the pain and suffering Lorenzo would have to endure. They did what they could to provide him a stable life and research every little thing about the disease their son was diagnosed with. The values of the contra-characters were physicians, nurses, and the ALD foundation. The physicians were considered to be stubborn and unconcerned about the urgency of researching the disease. There was concern for prolonging the suffering of Lorenzo. The hidden agenda was the portrayal of the medical community as indifferent and has become detached from keeping the patient as the first priority and no sense of urgency. The message conveyed to me was to not give up on someone you love. Research, ask questions and stay involved with the child’s care and disease. There was a great deal of ethical issues throughout the movie. Can parents decide for their child? Should the child be used as an experiment for a new drug, possibly curable drug? The physicians seemed unconcerned with an urgency of research as well. Were the parents abusing their rights as parents and doing unethical medical experiments on their son. The seemingly objective scientific and medical personnel should have stepped in to assist the aiding boy. Someone should have publicly, perhaps legally, questioned the parent’s actions. "But it was to save their son's life,” That’s the part where the parents are able to make the medical decisions for their son. The parents had the right to make the life or death decision for their son. Their son lost all motor skills and could not comprehend what has happened to him for him being at such a young age when it started. The surprise for me was towards the end of the movie when he actually made it to his
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