Lord Of The Flies

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LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER QUESTIONS Chapter 1 1. What is Ralph’s first reaction to the island? Why do you think he reacts this way? 2. Where were all of the children going? How did they end up on the island? 3. What is the “scar”? Why do you think Golding decided to use this word to describe it? 4. How does Ralph first react to Piggy? Why does he react this way? 5. What do Piggy and Ralph find in the water? How do they feel about it? Whose idea is it to use it to call the others? 6. Why does Ralph tell the children Piggy’s name after he asked him not to? 7. What are all of the boys expecting when they answer the call of the shell? 8. Describe Jack and the way he leads the choir. Why does he think he should be the leader? 9. Why is Ralph elected leader and not Piggy? 10. Would it make more sense for Jack, Ralph and Piggy to lead together? Why or why not? 11. Why don’t Ralph, Jack, and Simon let Piggy go with them to explore the island? 12. What do the boys do as they travel up the mountain? 13. How does Jack react to the piglet? Why? What will he do the next time? 14. How are the boys feeling at the end of this chapter? Chapter 2 1. What does Ralph think is the most important thing to do? What does Jack think is more important? 2. How do the children work? What is their general attitude towards work? How does Piggy feel about his attitude? 3. When Ralph calls a meeting, how is it similar or different from the first meeting? 4. How do the children react to the suggestion of a fire? Why do they react this way? 5. What attitude does Piggy take towards the other boys as they run off to collect wood. Why is he the only one who reacts this way? 6. How do the children light the fire? Why does Jack treat Piggy the way he does? 7. Do

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