Locavores Dilemma Essay

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In the article “The Locavores Dilemma”, it states what if, instead of being imported from all over the world on trains, planes, boats, and trucks, all of our food had to be produced locally? Would our food be fresher, more nutritious, and safer if it were not produced and distributed by industrial operations? “Locavores” are people who believe that an ever growing portion of our food supply should be produced in close physical proximity to the consumers who eat it. Christophe Pelletics “Locavores” shows us the pros and cons of eating within a one hundred mile radius, bringing straight forward facts and statistics to the regression it would cause. The article talks about how if we were to only grow our own food and make our own goods that it would cause a lot of problems. We wouldn’t be able to have chocolate or coffee because we don’t have the land for it. Sugar would be scarce because we don’t have the sugar beets. We would say goodbye to most fruits and sushi because rice would be gone. China would complain because their manufacturing would collapse. To them true Locavore system would mean famine. Our cars wouldn’t be around; we don’t produce rubbers or tires. So the air would be better and the streets but jobs would fall. “But before going all local food, the local locavores must realize that British Columbia produces forty eight percent of all food its inhabitants consume. One out of every two locavores would have to starve.” Although there are some good reasons to become a locavore, The big picture is that the society would crumble. “they would produce an abundance of food, but because there are not enough people to consume it locally, the law of supply and demand tells us that the price of agriculture commodities would plummet, food would stay in storage and farmers would go out of business, while people in China, and in British Columbia, would suffer
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