Local vs Nonlocal Products

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The way that our crops are transported to a market affects our environment. A product that is grown locally is better for the environment than a product is nonlocal. In the long run non-locally grown food also cost more too. The trucks used to import the nonlocal food to America would use approximately 250 gallons of gas. With the average diesel price today ($4.12) it would cost the U.S $1,030 per trip to import their food to a market4. It takes about 10 miles to get locally grown food from a farm to a market. To transport locally grown food using a tractor trailer that have an average miles per gallon of 7 to transport locally grown food, it would cost about $8.12 for a round trip. This is significantly cheaper compared to the $1,030 per trip for imported food. Using imported food not only has a huge impact for our economy but also for our air quality. In 2005 to import fruits, nuts, and vegetables into California alone by airplane more than 70,000 tons of CO2 will be released into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to more than 12,000 cars on the road.6 These foods could have been grown in California. Also the taste quality of the food of imported food is lower compared to the quality of locally grown food.1 For food to survive the long trip to a market, they must be picked before they are fully ripe meaning that the taste quality is lower.1 Locally grown food are picked when they are most ripe because the farmers wouldn’t have to worry about the products spoiling while being transported because of the short distance. A survey done from “Live Science” showed that more shoppers prefer locally grown food because of its taste.5 Also because locally grown food are picked when they are ripe, they have more nutrient values than imported food. As soon as a fruit or vegetable is picked, they start losing their nutrients.2 Imported food are picked early and

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