Living Life and Enjoying

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Guillermo Feliciano Chapter: 4 1. Which port number is used by HTTP? B. 80 2. Which port number is used with SMTP? C. 25 3. Which characteristics are part of TCP? (Choose two.) A. Reliable 4. At the transport layer, which of the following controls is used to keep a transmitting host from overflowing the buffers of a receiving host? C. Flow control 5. End systems use port numbers to select the proper application. What is the lowest port number that can be dynamically assigned by the host system? D. 1024 6. During data transfer, what is the receiving host responsible for? (Choose the best two answers.) D. Acknowledgment E. Reassembly 7. What are the transport layer’s responsibilities? A) Keeping track of the individual conversations taking place between applications on the source and destination host. B) Segmenting data and adding a header to identify and manage each segment. C) Using the header information to reassemble the segments into application data. D) Passing the assembled data to the correct application 8. Why does TCP use a sequence number in the header? A. To reassemble the segments into data 9. Which of the following determines how much data a sending host running TCP/IP can transmit before it must receive an acknowledgment? D. Window size 10. What is the purpose of TCP/UDP port numbers? D. To track the different conversations crossing the network at the same time 11. What does segmentation provide to communications? Segmentation of the data, in accordance with transport layer protocols, provides the means to both send and receive data when running multiple applications concurrently on a computer. 12. In networking terms, what is reliability? Ensuring that each segment that the source sends arrives at the destination. 13. List three network applications that use TCP. Web browsing, e-mail, and file transfer 14. List three network applications

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