Living in China

755 Words4 Pages
A life in China China is factually known to be one of the most populated countries of the world, from those many thousands of Chinese citizens who walk everyday on the big china, on a city of name Shenzhen wasn’t Chinese, she was Mexican, and that was me. When I first heard the news about my family moving to the other side of the world, China for this matter it felt like a bullet through my chest, the word china bounced around my head for at least 5 times, 10 year old me by hearing the word China could only imagine thousands and thousands of Chinese people with long eyes all equally the same, fortune cookies and a nightmare I did not wish to be in. That nightmare then became a reality. Visiting a foreign country is not the same as living in a foreign country, hence the name difference. When you visit a country you try to go to the most interesting, beautiful and worthwhile sights of the country, you try to be in a place where you feel comfortable and you very hopefully ‘hope’ to know more about the culture; eat their food, learn a few words, etc. Living in a country is very much the opposite of that, you get to see the real and pure image that the country offers, sometimes not as beautiful as one is told but also its amazing gifts, I was lucky enough to live in China for 6 years and a half. People often ask me; “what was your favorite part about living in China?” “Why on earth did you go to china?” “Did you like it?” “Did you have a Chinese Boyfriend?” I can proudly say that every single time I answer those questions one would think it would be the same but it isn’t, because there were so many things I did and learnt that whenever I answer that question it brings and immediate smile to my face, except the last question, no, I did not have a Chinese boyfriend. Was it hard? Did I cry myself to sleep for months? Yes it was very hard, but I only cried myself to

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