Live Without Internet

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Description What is life like without the internet? Preview A life without internet. I can't imagine, myself, living in this century, without the internet. The internet, the globalization of virtual world has been very dear to my heart. It has been my source of information. It has been my source of inspiration. And it has been one of my best channel of socialization. So, first, when talking about globalization. What comes first to our mind? As for me, I think about it as a world without borders. There is no boundary for information, to be specific. As such, is why I can't live without the internet. And by being disconnected with the virtual world of internet, made me realize how much internet was so important to me. Thus, it's true when people says. "You want something when you can't have it, But when it's in front of you, you take it for granted." So, why internet has been so meaningful to me? 1. A channel for socialization As a teenager, whose becoming an adult, I believe a social environment is very crucial to create a mature personality. And communication through social websites such as Facebook and Twitter is a necessary. Using such channels, things that are far apart, the gaps could be reduce with just a "status" or a "tweet". By this means of actions, people could communicate and socialize without having to see each other, in-person. And sometimes, we could also express things that lies deep within us that we couldn't say to people who are close to us. Just by socializing in the virtual world of internet. Haven't use this channel. [source] 2. A source of entertainment At home, I don't watch TV too often. Most of the times, my one and only source of entertainment comes from the internet. The place where I downloaded most of my english series and mp3 songs. Whenever a new episode comes out, the internet never let me down. Or
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