Little Red Riding Hood Movie Comments

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Just by looking at the headline of Catherine Shoard’s review on little Red Riding Hood, you get a first idea of how the whole thing is going to go. The absurd image we all visualized in our heads of “Imagine Hansel and Gretel but with the gingerbread swapped for bacon and the witch for a tap-dancing cartoon jellyfish”, doesn’t make anyone too excited of the content of the movie. You are already making fun of the so used plot lines, young children-abused by the harshness of life-ending up in the right road though. And yes in case you were wondering about my tone, it is definitely mocking too. I wouldn’t be too sure that the rating of the movie deserves a 2 out of 5. It is just too much! Let’s bitch now about the image chosen to represent the article. They shove some more Little or Big Red Riding Hood down our throats, which makes me think that this is the ultimate step for a movie to grab-or beg- for the attention of cinema lovers. Nah, doesn’t work for me though. It refocuses movie’s goals once again; Amanda Seyfried is the main star, not because of her amazing act skills but because of her ability to catch tabloids’ attention due to her high profile boyfriends. Cliché. Shroad is skillful. When she starts her review with the word “yes” it automatically turns you into a chatty and conversational mood and when she starts using informal language “doomed granny and a massive chatty wolf” you just want to burst out laughing. Her tone remains degrading and she makes sure that neither you nor her take the film seriously. The new film features some similarities with the classic tale but it definitely doesn’t have the glory of it. The “revamp end” of Little Red Riding Hood is just Hardwicke’s way of making easy money, as she tries to fit the whole concept of Twilight into Little Red Riding Hood, or is it vice versa? The next paragraph starts off with the
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