Literary Analysis of the Kite Runner

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Literary Analysis of The Kite Runner “For you a thousand times over.” The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a powerful novel that addresses various themes and life lessons to which its reader can relate. One theme emphasized throughout the novel is that of loyalty and devotion. This theme is most evident in the relationship between Amir and Hassan and can also be seen in the relationship between Amir and Sohrab. Hassan’s character displays loyalty and devotion naturally from the onset of their relationship. Amir, however, does not possess these qualities until later into adulthood after suffering major internal strife and guilt over a childhood event. This moving story takes the reader on Amir’s journey towards discovering how loyalty and devotion can heal old wounds. No matter the circumstances, Hassan stays true to his loyalty and devotion towards Amir doing whatever it takes to keep Amir happy and in Hassan’s life as his companion. The day of the kite contest, Hassan reassures Amir that he will triumph and win the prize of the last kite flying as well as Baba’s long sought after admiration. He promises Amir that he will run down the last kite, saying, “For you a thousand times over.” (Hosseini pg. 70) This quote demonstrates how Hassan will do anything, anytime for Amir and his true feelings towards Amir. On another occasion, Amir asks Hassan to eat dirt. Hassan assents but doubts that Amir would ever actually ask him to do something so vile. Later in the novel, Amir plants money and an expensive watch under Hassan’s mattress when he can no longer bear to be around Hassan due to his guilt of not helping him during the rape. Once again, Hassan displays his loyalty and devotion and takes blame for a crime he did not commit in order to save Amir from being seen as a liar. In Baba’s eyes, a liar is the most despicable thing a person can be. Baba goes

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