Lit & Poetry Test

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English First Additional Language Grade 9 Paper 2: Literature & Poetry INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Write neatly and legibly. 2. Answer ALL the questions. 3. Do not write entirely in CAPITAL LETTERS. 4. Read carefully through the extracts, before answering the questions. SECTION A: THE NOVEL Taken from: Buddy by Nigel Hinton CHAPTERS 6 - 8 : Question 1. Read the following extract carefully before answering the questions. Extract A. “ Questions: 1.1 What was so significant about the house that Buddy’s dad had told him about? In your own words, tell what had happened at this place. (2) 1.2 Where was this house situated, that is mentioned in the extract?(write down the address) (2) 1.3 Answer TRUE OR FALSE: 1.3.1 Buddy was reluctant to visit the house. (1) 1.3.2 Motivate your answer by quoting a phrase from the extract. (1) 1.4 Choose the correct answer from the options listed below: The Germayne Arms was a …. • A. war museum • B. pub • C. place where soldiers were trained (1) • D. None of the above EXTRACT B: Read the following extract carefully, before you answer the questions. 1.5 Describe what each of the three friends saw, when they looked through the letter-box. (3) 1.6 What, do you think, did Buddy and his friends expect to see in the house? Write down TWO words. (1) 1.7 Why, in your opinion, were the children so surprised by what they had seen in the house? (2) EXTRACT C. Read the following extract carefully. 1.8 The word “charlady” as used in the extract, refers to a … • A. person working with charcoal • B. lady doing domestic work for wages • C. woman who is very charming • D. all of the above answers. (1) 1.9 How much money did Buddy’s dad give him for cleaning the house?
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