Listening Reflection Essay

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My listening reflection started off with me spending 10 minutes sitting in the computer lab in the Bisset business building. My initial observations were that the room was bright, open and large with many computers, desks and one of the walls was see-through and the others were painted this light seashell sort of color. The room had about dozen people in it whom were being extremely quiet and almost all appeared to be working hard on something. To me this felt like an almost awkward silence in which I consciously was thinking to myself I had to be as quite as possible. While I was in there a gentlemen’s cell-phone rang and a lot of people did not look impressed as he started talking loudly, he noticed the others were staring at him and he left the room to talk. This atmosphere created a sense of stress, as some people were typing extremely quickly, and a sense of urgency, most likely they were desperately trying to meet a quickly approaching deadline. All these things collectively made this room feel similar to an exam room, a place that you don’t not want to sit and just relax, or even try to have a conversation. As I sat there trying to listen and not think about anything else the repetitive sounds of the keyboards typing almost became entrancing and made it easy to drown out any outside thoughts as I focused on this. The next place I spent was sitting in a Starbucks in the northwest. As an exact opposite to the other location, this place felt dark and cozy, with many dim yellow lights and stained dark wood finished walls. My initial thoughts were that if you added a few leather-bound books and a bartender, this could be very close to a so called “Gentlemen’s club” I went to downtown Calgary once. The quietly playing music was something like you would expect to hear in an elevator in a high-class hotel. This made this place feel very inviting and relaxing.

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