Limiting Family Size In The U.S.

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Prompt/question: Should family sizes be limited in the United States? Dropping the baby on its head: Limiting family size in the U.S. All over the world the population is growing. The world is currently sustaining approximately 6,855,945,325 and by the time this sentence is finished over a 150 more will be born. In the U.S. there are about 305,539,739 people, every thirty seconds, five more will be born. The truth is that in our ever-growing globe the resources needed to sustain those people are immense. Although the U.S. is only about five percent of the world’s population it consumes over 20% of the earth’s resources. Resource consumption and overpopulation go hand in hand. A population that continues to grow needs more resources to sustain those small, chunky, little babies that make up the generational chain. On the spectrum the U.S. hasn’t been overpopulating itself at the volume in which other countries such as China and India have, but it is distinct in the amount of resources it consumers per capita (per person). At this point the situation sounds somewhat dire, but it is not all bad. There are alternatives to allowing families to choose how big or small they want to make themselves. So here’s the big question in reference to our country and regarding our current population size, should family sizes be limited in the United states? To answer a question like this we must examine both sides of the argument: for limitation or freedom from limitation. Because if family sizes were to be limited in the U.S. the government would most likely have to implement it heavily much like the Chinese government has introduced their one-child policy. “The Chinese government introduced the policy to help alleviate social and environmental problems in China. The policy is controversial both within and outside China because of the issues it raises; because of the manner
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