Life Without Light

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Life Without Light Have you ever wondered how life would be without light? It would be really dark right? Without everyday sources of light such as, street lights and light bulbs, life would be very tedious when comes to doing daily activities such as cooking, driving on the streets or even doing homework assignments at night. We may however, survive without these forms of light but what if there was no ‘sun’, the main source of light. Surely there would be no life on earth since all living things depend on the light energy from the sun. There are many forms of light that exist and which we use every day, some natural and others man made. The natural sources would include things like the sun, the moon and the stars at night. Life on earth greatly depends on sunlight. Plants use sunlight energy to create their own food. It is then stored as energy in the plants and is then passed on to consumers when they consume the plants. This builds the foundation for the food chains in our ecosystems and sustains life. So, we now know how important sunlight energy is to life on earth. Other forms of light however, were discovered many years ago by famous scientists which ultimately made life easier with their discoveries such as electricity, traffic lights, light bulbs, cameras etc. We use artificial light every day, in our homes, in buildings, schools, vehicles, for television and computers, and the list goes on. Much technological advances require light energy and without it life would be stressful and really dull. There might not have been inventions such as televisions, microwaves or even computers and we all know how these machines have impacted human life since discovery. In hospitals, X-trays and MRI’s are done every day to determine different types of diseases or illnesses. Without light theses technologies would not exist and many people would be

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