Life Through Literature

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Life through Literature INTRODUCTION When I was young, with the exception of the bible, reading was something I only did because I had to. My dyslexia made it difficult and painful. However, as an adult reading became something I enjoyed, and my love for reading became an almost insatiable habit. With literature books from the library, I re-taught myself the fundamentals of literature. I learned about plot and theme, setting and symbolism and point of view and characterization. As a result, my life was changed forever. CONCRETE EXPERIENCE When I first became an adult I did not immediately start reading like a gang-buster. I still had problems reading, and had the scars that came from being treated as the stupid kid. However, the more I worked at it, the more I was able to overcome both the physical and emotional aspects of my dyslexia. As I started to enjoy reading, I think it started to enjoy me also. It really started to change my life. When I read non-fiction especially, it really seemed to make me take personal inventory of my life, and caused me to ask a lot of questions about what I was doing. Some of those questions were difficult ones. When reading a book called Inside Out, I was challenged to deal with pain from my past that I didn’t realize I had. While reading the books The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church, I was forced to make changes to my life that were difficult and costly. While reading a book called The Speed of Trust, I made the decision that I needed to make myself trustworthy, and I had to trust others as well. This caused me to stop being overly suspicious of my bosses at work, so that I could work better with them. It resulted in me not being aware that one of them was plotting to get rid of me. After I was laid off, I realized that I had still done the right thing. In reading the book How to Be Your

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