Life Orientation-Biblical Perspective

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ASSIGNMENT ONE QUESTION 1 Why do human beings need to orientate themselves in life? ANSWER 1 I believe it is important for people to orientate themselves in life because we all need to feel the importance of fitting in into our own little world. We have to feel that everything makes sense, that we know who we are and how we fit into our world. Life is forever changing, what we felt a year ago is not necessarily what we feel or believe today, when we orientate ourselves we are able to find our ‘road map’ to our life and keep on the right path. The Bible helps us to create this sense of orientation through Bible reading and prayer, we are able to reassess our situations, trials, crisis and happiness through this invaluable resource. QUESTION 2 “Life orientation is an exercise in dealing with complexity. Since the bible itself is complex in many ways, the art of Bible interpretation provides us with the kind of skills we need to orientate ourselves in life” Discuss this statement with reference to the different versions of the Bible, the many perspectives on an issue often found in the Bible, and how dealing with such differences becomes an exercise in honing the kind of skills we need for life orientation. ANSWER 2 The different Bible versions occurred because the Bible has been translated over many centuries, each translation was very relevant to that period that it was translated in and helped the people of the time understand the Bible better and let it be their guide. The Old Testament remained in Hebrew until it was translated into Aramaic which was called The Targums, then into Greek which is called The Septuagint. The next language translated was Latin called The Vulgate. I believe that the English translation largely flowed from William Tyndale and yet the first English translation was completed by John Wycliffe in the early seventeenth

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