Life of Pi Important Quotations

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The quotation I found in part one of Life of Pi that I found spoke to me is, “I don’t mean to defend zoos, close them all down if you want (and let us hope that the wildlife remains can survive in what is left of the natural world). I know zoos are no longer in people’s good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both.” I chose this quotation because early in the novel you learn about the education that Pi has- in both religion and zoology. This quotation show’s how close the two can actually be related to one another. I chose this quote because it gives an understandable comparison between how people feel about zoos and how people feel about religion. This comparison spoke to me because as soon as I read it I knew that that was how I felt about both enclosing animals in zoos and being involved in a specific religion. I also feel that animals are naturally born into the wild, but are forced to either conform to the prey-predator law or die, so for them to be living in a zoo is like heaven, or even more like freedom- they don’t have to continuously be aware of predators, but they live in a cycle they are happy with. This is the same way being involved in religion is for me, I could chose to be free and not follow any religion or practice, but I chose to follow (not extremely closely) but I follow religion and believe in God because that version of reality is much nicer than reality really is. It makes life more enjoyable. I came to have these values regarding religion by experiencing changes in myself, and with the help of other people opening my eyes to new things and new ways of life. My family was never one for religion or visiting church on Sundays. As a young girl, I decided I would study religion and the views of religious people, I decided I would find a way for myself to be involved in a religious practice,

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