Life Just Isnt Fair

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When you were little and you didn’t get your way, you would say” Well that’s not fair!” and then your parents would say, “Well life isn’t fair!” They’re right. Both Holden and Conrad think their life isn’t fair. They are right because no one’s life is fair. In the book Catcher in the Rye, Holden’s brother Allie died of leukemia and Holden never let go of him. He becomes really close with his younger sister Phoebe, and he feels he must protect her from growing up and making mistakes. When she makes mistakes she will be thrown off the right track and he doesn’t want that to happen for her. He learns through out his journey that he cannot and should not stop her from making mistakes because making mistakes and learning from your mistakes is how you become who you are. In the book Ordinary People, The Jarret family lost their beloved son and brother Jordan (Bucky). Conrad tried to commit suicide. Beth, mother of Conrad and Bucky desperately wants her family to return back to “normality” and is trying to reject the criticism of society. In the end, Conrad and father Calvin realize they can’t return to their “ordinary family,” and Beth never seems to get over it and accept it. Conrad and Holden learn that everyone is going to have obstacles in their life that shape them to who they are and that life isn’t supposed to be fair. Perfection is defined by society. There is never going to be something or someone so perfect like society wishes. We are who we are and shouldn’t change nor try to be perfect. The Jarrets just want to be accepted by society and fit in like they did before Bucky’s death and the incident with Conrad’s attempt to commit suicide. Beth only hopes for her family’s reputation to resume the way it used to be- Normal (Guest, movie.) They never expected Bucky’s death or Conrad’s suicide attempt, but when it hit them they weren’t ready for it. In the end

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