Life Is Beautiful

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The Horrid Life at a Concentration Camp By Mascaro Hiebel In the movie life is beautiful by Roberto Begini it portrays the life in concentration camps as they were. Imagine being in a place you love with a wonderful family and then one day uprooted. This is what happened to these Jewish people they were forced out of their homes and sent to these camps. Some were people never to see their family or home again and to only meet them in the afterlife. What if you were abruptly taken from your home and sent to a camp never to see your home again, what would you do? Would you try and escape, or would you just go with it? “Jews who tried to escape the ghettos were given the death penalty” (UJF p.1). The main character Guido risks his life to keep his wife and son Joshua alive and well. This movie clearly shows the acts during WWII in the concentration camps. The first scene I chose is the scene where “Joshua talks about being put into an oven and made into soap is what were really happening to people this told that people were put in ovens and burnt ” (Bengini). This scene is accurate because Jewish people were actually burned in ovens or crematories. This was shown to be true in the movie. This is what actually happened during the holocaust. In the crematorium the SS officers burned the bodies of the people and that is another way people were killed this scene tells what actually happened to the people. The second scene that I chose was the scene where “the people are told they are going to take a shower” (Bengini). The people stripped of their clothing then went to take the showers. The Jewish people at the concentration camps were also told they were going to take a shower. The people did indeed take a shower but the old, weak and the children took showers that sent them to their deaths. “The showers were filled with a poisonous gas that killed
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