Life Changing Experience

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The notion that what we do or experience as children affect us as adults is something I try to instill into my children whenever it seems fit, because the day my children approached me eager to learn to swim, I knew that my past experiences would affect them. The day was like all the others; we slept in late, our traditional way of celebrating the beginning of the weekend, then one by one began staggering into the living room. We greeted each other with good mornings and questions about breakfast. I scrambled up some eggs, fried bacon, and finished it with toast. After we filled our bellies, we started our normal Saturday routine. Like clockwork there was a knock at the door. The neighborhood children, eager to add to their numbers, were at the door asking if my children could come. I answered, “Yes, give them a few minutes to get ready.” As I started to close the door, I noticed a folded white paper clipped to the outside door panel. I retrieved it and returned inside. “The Pool is Opening”, the words ran clear across the top of the page in bold letters followed by the pool rules and hours of operation. I could not have cared less about the pool opening. I balled up the notice and placed it in its proper place: the trash. I informed only my husband of the notice who showed no interest as well. With the children outside, I seized the moment to clean. I opened the balcony doors to keep eye on the kids. Falling onto the couch after completing what seemed like a job for three people, I took relief in my tall glass of ice tea. There is nothing like a clean house, I stated to myself. “Momma”, I could hear my kids shouting as they ran up the stairs. The front door flew open, “the pool opened today. Can we go?” I answered without hesitation, “No.” I watched as the ear-to-ear smiles left their faces, but I could not take that risk again. My children turned around and
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