Level 3 Children and Young People's Workforce Early Learning and Childcare

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Children and Young People's Workforce (Early Learning & Childcare) Level 3 Assignment 1 ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Question 1 (Weighting: 3) Define, in your own words, the terms 'diversity' and 'equality'. Diversity refers to the characteristics that make individuals or groups in society different from each other. These differences can include gender, ethnic origins, religious beliefs, cultural background, political beliefs, appearance, disabilities, sexuality, personality, family structure. Equality allows each individual the right to equal opportunities and to be treated with equal concern. Individuals are protected from being discriminated against, therefore enabling them to progress and flourish in their development and learning. Question 2 (Weighting: 3) Explain the term inclusion and provide an example of working in an inclusive way. Inclusion is the process of identifying, understanding and breaking down of barriers to participating and belonging. Inclusion is the opposite of discrimination. Example: I work abroad in a kindergarten where the national language is Hungarian, but some of the children do not speak the local language, only English. Every class has a native English teacher working alongside the Hungarian teacher. Therefore, all the children are benefiting and developing their skills of both languages. This not only promotes inclusion, but also diversity and equality. Question 3 (Weighting: 3) Why is discrimination harmful to children? Discrimination is harmful to children because: They do not progress and succeed in their lives, causing a negative effect on their self-esteem and dampening their motivation to learn They are excluded from certain roles They are denied the advantages of others so they do not have the chance to fulfil their potential. Therefore, their potential is lost

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